
The Liturgy Forecast (Catholic Schools Edition) - First Quarter

Don’t miss this FREE webinar event for anyone involved in the liturgy at Catholic schools. This conversation will focus on the first quarter of the school year. We'll look at the liturgical calendar and what you need to know to prepare school Masses, prayer services and celebrations from late August through October.

The Liturgy Forecast is a series of conversations that provide practical, timely formation to help anyone involved in the liturgy do their job well. Each conversation focuses on a specific season and reviews all of the details needed before you begin planning: seasonal rules and regulations, important dates and reminders, guidance for special celebrations and devotions, and so forth. We help provide a firm foundation for planning liturgies, selecting music, designing liturgical environment, writing homilies and more.

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The Liturgy Forecast (Catholic Schools Edition) - Second Quarter


This Season Calls Us: A Lenten Planning Conversation for Catholic Schools